The Goblin Crown: Billy Smith and the Goblins

by Robert Hewitt Wolfe

Billy Smith is having a rough first day of high school. The new kid at exclusive Francis Drake Prep, Billy embarrasses himself in front of fiery, beautiful Lexi Aquino. He makes an instant enemy in Kurt Novac, the school’s surly star quarterback. Then suddenly Billy, Lexi, and Kurt are mysteriously transported to an underworld teeming with goblins, strange animal hybrids, and powerful magic―the fact that they’re stuck there is probably Billy’s fault, too. With help from an unlikely goblin leader named Hop, the teens soon discover that goblins can be both fierce and friendly, with their own rich language, culture, and history―a history that foretells of a human arriving to claim the Goblin Crown and lead them to victory against the deadly, invading Hanorians. Could Billy―anxious, awkward Billy―be the mythical Goblin King? Could saving the goblin race be his destiny and the key to getting him, Lexi, and Kurt back home?


Read the Reviews:

"The characters are well-developed, believably imperfect, and multicultural (Billy himself is biracial); the plot moves briskly; and the goblin dialect―sometimes humorous, sometimes startlingly poignant―is a real strength [...] It’s a solid start to the Billy and the Goblin series." - Publishers Weekly

"Readers who fervently wish for the ability to jump into a mythical world like Middle-earth will enjoy this tale." ―School Library Journal

"Wolfe, a television screenwriter, offers a story full of a surprising amount of emotional heft [...] a compelling series beginning." ―Kirkus

4/5 Stars: "Robert Hewitt Wolfe’s The Goblin Crown is the start to the fantasy series, Billy Smith and the Goblins, and combines the elements of goblin culture, disasters in high school and destiny, and is layered in mythology, adventure and magic.
The Goblin Crown is sprinkled with themes and lessons from handling guilt to responsibility. Readers will relate to both the characters’ experiences and connect with the lessons learned. This is a coming of age novel that will delight readers who enjoy imaginative fantasy worlds full of suspense, adventure, and descriptive world building."―Portland Book Review

"Robert Hewitt Wolfe accomplishes something magical. He creates a Tolkienesque fantasy world for young adults that feels lived in, original and accessible. He also gives us Billy Smith - a real boy from the real world, who discovers that “not fitting in” is what makes him so special. The Goblin Crown is exciting, emotional and unflinching."―Ashley Edward Miller, co-author of Colin Fischer and co-writer of Thor and X-Men: First Class

"The Goblin Crown is the smart, morally complex version of the heroic coming-of-age story that you've been waiting for." ―Charlie Jane Anders, author of All the Birds in the Sky

"The Goblin Crown is a riveting, relatable, compelling journey into another realm. I found myself staying up late to read about Billy's adventures and his unlikely alliance with goblin leader Hop. Robert Hewitt Wolfe, who I know from his legendary work in the Star Trek universe, has set his sights on the fantasy genre with great success! Can't wait for more installments." ―Jennifer Brody, author of The 13th Continuum



Robert H. Wolfe, 2016 (Photo Credit: Celeste Wolfe)

About Robert

Robert Hewitt Wolfe is an accomplished television writer and producer whose credits include...

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Map of the Goblin World

read the prologue

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Learn GOBayabber!

Gobayabber, the language of the Goblins in The Goblin Crown, can be pretty confusing for us humans.

Luckily, the author has included a helpful Guide to Gobayabber!

Click Here to Learn Gobayabber